THE GUMUK PASIR the phenomenal IN YOGYAKARTA, a friend of the world if you perform to visits INDONESIA (Java) YOGYAKARTA, and are looking for interesting spectacle addition, visit cultural tourism, art, you can sopping learner to visit tourism objects, which are in the south of the city Since, you will find the beauty BEACH GUMUK PASIR what, gumuk sand is gathered his to be sand and a wide, formed from the coastal sediment, which reached 20 mpl. IN THE WORLD, there are only 4 countries in one of its server, namely BEACH PARANG TRITIS YOGYAKARTA. Objects other than a tour gumuk sand into the laboratory various branches of natural science earth, natural phenomenon, formed this unique ecosystem, if you visit to the learner parang tritis, Euless you will see a line of lip gumuk sand beach and far apart, approximately nearly 10 meters, this is a unique coast chopper, being tritis, em .. according to how you can acquire this form of ???????????. em please red?
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