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hello friend what the World how are you wow .. cool ... do you have em tour this day tour, see the wonders of the world, is not certain ... em friend of the world, you know that in the city of Yogyakarta there is tomb of the kings in the tomb consists of 2 kingdom, but still a brother. This tomb built by the king sultan agung hanyokro Kusumo king ter of Islamic Mataram in 1613-1645 ... its more powerful em eat this up in the hills above the high ... so to reach the tomb must ascend as much as 345, to go to a grave one, cool friend em ber of the world want to travel while pro sports, up and down the hill, not cool ... hehehe this cemetery where kings and solo yogyakarta in a cemetery.. friend in the world will learn if VISIT to tomb have to use a pitch traditional clothing kusus () jawa, both men and women, rather rept em ... but do not want, a friend of the world want to learn visit / wisata spiritual, PLEASE a visit Imogiri THE ROYAL CEMETRY ..



Browse the World what I hope my friends the world, baik2, only healthy and vibrant to visit / tour that you like into the ..... emmm, a friend in the world in yogyakarta (indonesia) in the mountain area south Woodend ,approximately 20-30 Since kilometer from, in region2 pine forest, the people around him in the public consume it like locust fried, grasshopper insects, which fly many around the pine forest, and catching many in the sale or consumption. grasshopper in the way of cooking with spices are fried in a complete or given sufficient follow-fried in soy sauce flavor, and ... like food extrime try fried insects / fried locust .. Music is not good, you learner suppossing his visit to indonesia Since, and tour a bit far from downtown yogyakarta Woodend course you will find the uniqueness in culinary.BELALANG GORENG ... HEHEHE.of course ...em safe travel al round the world.ok



cheerfulness, hospitality, food typical of him, its population, weather, transportation, he brought the memories do not forget the we living .FRIENDS world tour through visits, both in the span and abroad, always carry the memories of a time into stories for children our grandchildren, FRIENDS WORLD learner made tourism a part of ourselves, because with a learner's tour we know of a region with other areas ..... it em ber memories during the tour, of course, do not forget as long as the living tar out kita.FRIENDS COVERAGE tour, of course, we still maintain our security in the tourism learner, and learner moving back with family, after our tour em ber ... GOOD LUCK AND YOU GOODBLESS.



FRIENDS WORLD if you do visit areas tourism or exit out of the country where you find lodgings HAVES's not ,..... I hope that you find lodgings in accordance denan not your bag, em .. of course, that you feel comfortable and of course .. . a friend to the world at-tourism in place of a Pitch. em ... a friend of this world are few tips in the tourism learner: 1.FRIEND must determine the length of stay () budget with accordingly. em ... a friend of this world are few tips in the tourism Learner: 1.friends must determine the length of stay () budget with accordingly.2.don"t" lavish money on you, be sure to use the money to the smart and helpful. 3.guard health, the health care equipment as necessary. 4 if you have a friend, try to give as gifts. 5.stay lodging place in accordance with the bag .... your friends now that the world was tips & tips that may be ancient, but a friend can take benefits.congratulations world tour. 5.stay lodgings Place in accordance with the bag .... your friends now that the world was tips & tips that may be ancient, but a friend can take benefits.welcome world tour.



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FRIENDS WORLD what's the good news ... hopefully good yes, it is time friend of the world are on a place wonderful atmosphere with beautiful scenery, with its white sand beaches, it is time you are dry in the sun to create a learner color you a bit dark, do not forget ... ups use sun bloc. friends world a happy atmosphere, it certainly happy to make you want to ber long-duration stay in space tourism, and friends world em fun atmosphere in the sights do not make us forget enshrine moment-important moment in the sights, because the documentation friend in the world the place, bringing in memories of the place ... you try to bring equipment documentation example .1.vidio camera.handpond camera, etc., any name do not forget left-moment your important moment



HELLO FRIENDS WORLD how? learner is ready to ready to visit world vend ,.... yap "safe learner's happy-happy, and leisure em ber or friend ........... the world will only travel out of town, regional, or only into the learner will visit tourist places you yu ... "ps ... I only, please because of the important principles of learner tour is in addition to enjoying the beauty around us, the beauty of nature, culture, art, but it is important that we try to improve mood, whether we are sad, happy, dejected or depressed try to use recipes tour hopefully all that is in the heart become more happy, clean, quiet and of course the body to become more healthy and can return learner activity ever, ok ... .. As the tour.



HELLO FRIENDS WORLD, performance art in the world's most protean, a region with a learner regional carriers, a nation with one another learner also different, but all of that to make the world a beautiful, contemporary art, modern art and KLASIK ber ber road iring , Learner's same.FIENDS in a region called the Celebes or SULAWESI SOUTH dances, which have a very beautiful dance in this play 4,6,8 or more women dances this learner name pakarena the meaning of learner dancers, dance is often in I play in the era kingdoms in the south sulawesi tempo first, the op it is in the kingdom iringi a musical instrument, the pitch itself from GENDANG, PUIG-PUIG, DENGKONG [GONG SMALL] and GONG on the current course for a pakarena tourist-ber of tourists to visit MAKKASAR sulawesi selatan(south).DANCE this gives you a pleasant entertainment with a strain of music TUNRUNG PAKANJARA learner seething wave rolls escort vessel edge beautiful beaches nan beautiful.



YOGYAKARTA city has a wide Variety of places of interest for example: Culinary tourism, YOGYAKARTA have a variety of traditional foods, em .. GUDEG.RICE Cats, OSENG-OSENG fireworks, and many more during its current ,....... .......... ber when you visit to Indonesia and sightseeing Culinary want, when it now where you dapatmenikmati many local Culinary, which is presented. For tourists who visit to YOGYAKARTA learner can also enjoy the ballet performances RAMAYANA, AT TEMPLE Prambanan complex one of the world's heritage, of its tourists will find the cultural diversity, and per indicators interesting, friendly people disaping em ....... FRIENDS THERE'S spoof WORLD ....... following ,...... em weak in the black at the sound of ping? what ....................? em .. DELECIOUS...em...em..em.



Informations UUP "S o-FRIENDS WORLD, in the conduct of a world tour, or where we go as it considers what course we take will be up for instance, we do per street outside the city, region and even abroad also, as it considers FRIENDS WORLD what we need in and before a street as per its gain in the correct formation, the places we will visit, for example: search for information on EMBASSY, TRAVEL AGENTS, BUREAU WISATA.dan find out the circumstances place question that we will visit, with the most influence is not the issue, which sometimes is not correct, the region that we will visit ok like we will visit REGIONAL over,hot,example AFRICA, ASIA. we take it as fruits much ..... ... ... up no 's drive it .... kin as this information is lag era and ancient, but only FRIENDS WORLD please learner in every way not occur per rush, and feel happy, and back to the sights such.hehehe FRIENDS WORLD .. I love peace in the world .



FRIENDS WORLD, did you that in some magical performances that lure both local and foreign tourists, the show is a game, a traditional Javanese community(YOGYA and CENTRAL JAWA.) game this sometimes in used with goib, so that spectators at a pitch wonder - wonder, amazement and .............., em in this game we will see an object made of coconut shell, which Give the clothes and hold on by some people, but these objects will be self-propelled learner, and learner as the rules because there will be a case in which goib such ........ ... FRIENDS WORLD game JALANGKUNG is a TRADITIONAL INDONESIA JAVA a nearly extinct in the modern game incursion, at this time



THE GUMUK PASIR the phenomenal IN YOGYAKARTA, a friend of the world if you perform to visits INDONESIA (Java) YOGYAKARTA, and are looking for interesting spectacle addition, visit cultural tourism, art, you can sopping learner to visit tourism objects, which are in the south of the city Since, you will find the beauty BEACH GUMUK PASIR what, gumuk sand is gathered his to be sand and a wide, formed from the coastal sediment, which reached 20 mpl. IN THE WORLD, there are only 4 countries in one of its server, namely BEACH PARANG TRITIS YOGYAKARTA. Objects other than a tour gumuk sand into the laboratory various branches of natural science earth, natural phenomenon, formed this unique ecosystem, if you visit to the learner parang tritis, Euless you will see a line of lip gumuk sand beach and far apart, approximately nearly 10 meters, this is a unique coast chopper, being tritis, em .. according to how you can acquire this form of ???????????. em please red?



WORLD....WORLD ........... World, that we live on this ........ have a variety of beautiful places, that we can visit ........, em ... from New York, TOKYO, until ....... UNITED MILAN, there are the thousands of places and exsotiK .......... Arabic, ASIA, AFRICA, EUROPEAN ........ ...... TO .. BOROBUDUR, very interesting for our visit. a regional tour has a variety of objects and places, for example, sooping tourism, culture, history, antique and various attractions in the arts by supporting facilities and infrastructure complete, so that tourists who visit feel, ber and visit again, into the tour SUCH. Last but not least, WELCOME TO WORLD TOURISM, and have a nice TRIP THANK YOU .