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hello friend what the World how are you wow .. cool ... do you have em tour this day tour, see the wonders of the world, is not certain ... em friend of the world, you know that in the city of Yogyakarta there is tomb of the kings in the tomb consists of 2 kingdom, but still a brother. This tomb built by the king sultan agung hanyokro Kusumo king ter of Islamic Mataram in 1613-1645 ... its more powerful em eat this up in the hills above the high ... so to reach the tomb must ascend as much as 345, to go to a grave one, cool friend em ber of the world want to travel while pro sports, up and down the hill, not cool ... hehehe this cemetery where kings and solo yogyakarta in a cemetery.. friend in the world will learn if VISIT to tomb have to use a pitch traditional clothing kusus () jawa, both men and women, rather rept em ... but do not want, a friend of the world want to learn visit / wisata spiritual, PLEASE a visit Imogiri THE ROYAL CEMETRY ..

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